Opening Ceremony of the 125th Anniversary of GTI Education Tour organized by the Ministry of Education and Myanmar AGTI Society

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State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivered a video address at the virtual opening ceremony of the 125th anniversary of GTI Education at 9:00AM today. Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein, Deputy Minister U Win Maw Tun, Deputy Ministers from ministries related to the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, the Permanent Secretary and Directors General from the Ministry of Education, TVET Stakeholder; heads of Government Technological College (GTC), Government Technical Institute (GTI), Technology High Schools and vocational schools; government officials, teachers, students, alumni of GTIs; winners of writing contests and guests participated in the virtual ceremony via online.  (The congratulatory speech of State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is covered separately.)

During the ceremony, Union Minister Dr Myo Thein Gyi said that in 2016, GTI(Insein) was taken over by the Ministry of Education and AGTI three-year diploma courses were re-opened from 2017-2018 academic year to provide learning opportunities. three-year AGTI diploma courses have been provided and created employment opportunities for the students. The three-year diploma courses have now been provided in a total of 28 schools: three GTCs and 25 GTIs. .In 2018-2019, three-year AGTI diploma evening courses have been provided and created employment opportunities for the students.  He also said that a vocational training programme named Professional Training Kitchen has been conducted at the GTI (Insein) as a Dual Apprenticeship system in collaboration with the Swiss contact and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The Myanmar UNEVOC Centre could be established in December 2018 at GTI(Insein) with the support of the United Nations Centre for Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC), according to the Union Minister. So, Myanmar can take part in regional TVET research and development activities, TVET workshops and research paper reading sessions. From 2018, Skills Competition and Innovation Award ceremonies are held to mark the “World Youth Skills Day”, according to the Union Minister.

The Ministry of Education is developing a National Education Strategic Plan (2021-2030) and cooperating with all stakeholders to develop strategies and programmes for the technical and vocational education sector. The Union Minister said that human resources development plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of the country, so the GTIs, which nurture and train technicians, have a very important role in the development of the country. He continued that the Ministry of Education has set five goals for the sustainable development of the GTIs. The Union Minister called on all GTI officials and students to maintain the great image of the Insein GTI, which has been celebrating its 125th anniversary. He also requested the officials to boost the vocational sector, to link schools and factories or businesses, and to increase cooperation with international development partners in order to achieve continuous success. Then, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein said that the government has opened many vocational schools. He continued that Insein GTI is a major milestone of Myanmar’s vocational education system, and many graduates from Insein GTI are playing an important role in various engineering fields in Myanmar. The Yangon Region Chief Minister continued that he wishes to see more schools like GTI in Myanmar for vocational training. He then showed a video document transformation of GTI Education (125) years. Next, by using Virtual Studio, prizes were virtually presented to the winners of cartoon, poetry, short story and essay contests marking the 125th anniversary.

After that, U Nyein Aung, President of Myanmar GTI Alumni Association gave a speech of thanks and the ceremony is successfully completed.  The Insein GTI, the earliest school of Myanmar’s 12 GTIs, was established on 1 April, 1895 as a Government Engineering School in Latha Township in Yangon. So, the GTI will turn 125 years old on 1 April 2020. It is said that the purpose of celebrating this ceremony is that the Union government, together with other relevant organizations needs to participate and cooperate to transform GTI into an international level vocational education institute.

 December 27, 2020

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